The Season of Good Will…

How did it get to be December already? Where has the time gone? We are now officially in the countdown to Christmas (or whatever winter festival you celebrate). It’s the time of year people try to be a little kinder and more charitable, and perhaps they start thinking of ways they can help others.

I watched a video yesterday that got me thinking. It wasn’t about the festive season, it was about menstruating. I know – that can be a bit of an icky subject, despite it being something that 50% of the world’s population do at some point in their lives – for a very large part of their lives, to be honest.

This is the video – please do watch it, because it’s quite interesting.

It really got me thinking, because although I donate to a local food bank on a semi-regular basis, and although it’s not always food products I donate, there is something I never thought about donating at all, and it’s something I have used every month of my life since before being a teenager. Why did it never occur to me? Well, probably for the same reason it doesn’t occur to other people too – it’s something we’re so used to, that we don’t consider it – it gets pushed to the background.

So, although we’re now half way through December, here’s a thought. How w0ould it be, if everyone who has the means to do so, made up a package to give to their local food bank this Xmas? You can backdate it and made a sort of reverse advent calendar, putting in 24 items to donate, or you can do it from today, whatever is easiest and within your means – just pop stuff in a bag or a box to hand over.

Here are some things you might like to include:

  • Food:
    Dried goods such as pasta, rice, and lentils are good, as they keep for ages without going off. Also tinned and jarred food of any kind – beans, vegetables, fruit, canned fish and meat, are all staples to consider, along with jams, chutneys and pickles. And don’t forget condiments – salt, pepper, sauces, herbs and spices, and stock cubes – they can zing up a meal and make it much taster and less boring.
  • Feminine hygiene products:
    Next time you’re picking up your tampons or pads for your own use, pop an extra pack in your trolley to donate.
  • Other hygiene products:
    Soap, shower gel, deoderant, toothbrushes and toothpaste – take advantage of three for two offers and pop the third “free” item in your giving box. Or if you get loads of smellies at Xmas, consider donating some of those. You might also consider popping a packet of condoms in there too
  • Cleaning products:
    Cleaning wipes, antibacterial spray, toilet cleaner and bleach, rim blocks and cistern blocks, washing up liquid, washing powder, and fabric conditioner. All essentials that might go by the wayside when people can barely afford to put food on the table.
  • Baby products:
    Nappies, wipes, nappy sacks – again, take advantage of multi-buy offers and pop the extra items in the box.

None of these need to be expensive brand name items – you can donate supermarket own brands, or even the bargain range items if that’s what your budget will stretch to. Even if you can’t donate an item for every day of the month, perhaps it could be a new year’s resolution to save one item every week of the year – imagine what you could accumulate in 52 weeks, at just the cost of a few pennies extra on your weekly shopping bill? Even if you donated like this quarterly with a dozen or so items each time, that can make a huge difference to someone who needs it.

Maybe this way we can ALL have a brighter festive season. And you never know, you might get bumped higher up on Santa’s “Nice” list!


Catching up…

Well, it’s been a while! Things have been busy, busy, busy here at Kincavel Korner!

12.07.16 aThe school year is now well and truly over, and Tadpole is now finished with Key Stage 1 – how did he get so big so fast? He did so well at his school sports day, coming first in not one, not two, but three races, and also gaining a second and a third place in two other events. He also got a glowing school report which told us he’s ahead of where he’s expected to be in almost every area, and he came home with both academic and sporting achievement awards at the end of the year. We are so proud we could burst!

06.07.16 aChoochie has finally taken to potty training like a duck to water. He took some persuading, but we finally got him to agree to saying goodbye to nappies, and jumped in at the deep end, tackling both day time and night time at the same time. It’s been a week now, with only a couple of little “accidents” that were barely accidents at all – and that includes at night! Again, we’re so proud we would dance about with glee if we weren’t so tired!

I’m now deep in rehearsals for a production of Sister Act, which will be performed in October. It’s only a very small non-speaking part, but as it’s my first show in fifteen years, it’s serving as a nice reintroduction to theatre I’ll be auditioning for a part in Annie later in the year (I’m hoping to get a slightly larger role in that!), and I have applied to possibly audition for a professional Christmas show – we’ll see if I even get an audition at all, but it will be nice to try!

09.07.16 cThe best bunch of strong, independent women you have ever seen all went out to have a meal together to celebrate my Mum’s freedom (the divorce isn’t quite final yet, but it will be very soon!), and had a fantastic meal at Pronto, a local Greek/Italian restaurant. A fantastic night was had by all, and I got chatted up by a gorgeous younger man when we went out for drinks afterwards, which was a major ego boost!

23.07.16 aI went out for afternoon tea with my Mum and step sister, at The Running Fox at Felton, and it was such a delicious feast! Honestly, I could barely manage everything, but I forced myself (oh, so reluctantly – not!) to finish every delicious morsel. Seriously, if you’re into the idea of High Tea, and you’re in Northumberland, go along to The Running Fox, and they’ll treat you like royalty!

We also went for a family day out at Woodhorn Museum during Invasion 7, when all manner of sci-fi characters came out to play. It was a total blast! We took a little ride on the narrow guage railway, had a picnic, and played spot the character. I was so pleased to see a the Firefly crew represented by Kaylee and Wash (no Captain Tight Pants though, much to my sorrow!), as well as a plethora of characters from the Star Wars franchise, and various other sci fi favourites.

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09.07.16 aAnd finally, this will be the last weekend I have hair! I will be doing Brave the Shave in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Monday 1st August. I will be sending my hair off to Little Princess Trust to make wigs for children who have lost their hair during chemotherapy, and then shaving down to a #1 all over! I’m actually rather looking forward to it. To top it off, 1st August is also my 13th wedding anniversary, and I’ll be going out for dinner and a trip to the theatre (to see Chicago) that evening too.

If you’d like to sponsor me, you can do so via my Brave the Shave page HERE. Every little helps – thanks in advance!

And now we’re into the summer holidays, and although we have no plans to go away anywhere this year, we are planning several nice day trips and also attending several local events, which will no doubt be a lot of fun. So, on that note, I’ll disappear again, although I’m sure I’ll get back to check in every now and then!

Have a fantastic summer!

Spread the word!!!

I just ordered a bunch of flyers to publicize my Brave the Shave efforts for Macmillan Cancer Support. I thought it might help if I highlighted the fact that I’m not just cutting off my hair – I’m SHAVING it all off – all gone!

This is what they’ll look like:

Kell's Brave the Shave flyer

I should have the flyers in early July!

I’m hoping that they’ll help bring in a little more notice and sponsorship. In the meantime, if you’d like to sponsor me, you can do so online at my Brave the Shave page HERE. Every little helps, and you will have my eternal gratitude.

And if you spread the word too, I’ll be your Best Friend Forever!

Catching up with everything…

Snickerdoodles for the coffee morning

Crikey, it’s been a good fortnight since I last posted anything – I’ve just been so busy!

I’ve bagged myself a bunch of new pen pals. so there has been letter writing and crafting going on there. I’ve also been in rehearsals for Sister Act, which is challenging, but highly enjoyable. It turns out Nun #11 (or Sister Sara of the Two Mules, as I have dubbed her) has a few tricky things to do, such as performing Latin tongue twisters, repeatedly, at speed, to a tune; or where other nuns have one note to sing, Sister Sara has eight of them, and has to sustain them. I am enjoying it immensely!

Little white chocolate mice with strawberry lace tails for the coffee morning

Then there was a fundraising coffee morning for the Beaconsfield Operatic Society, so I baked snickerdoodles, chocolate chip cookies, and cheese scones, as well as making white chocolate mice with strawberry lace tails. Of course, I had to taste-test the goodies too, so several went into my own gob (naughty, I know, but so worth it!). We also had Grom round for Sunday dinner – she comes round every few weeks for that, and we always look forward to it. It means a flurry of activity in the kitchen, though, as when she comes, we eat our main meal at midday, instead of in the evening.

On top of all that, Choochie isn’t very well at the moment, so he requires extra hugs and kisses and general Mummy time.

And throughout all this, I have completed and added another row on my Sky Blanket. That’s thirteen rows now finished – one more and we’ll be at the half way mark!

Thirteen rows of Sky Blanket completed!

20.06.16 - Brunette KellAnd then I dyed my hair brown in preparation for shaving it all off in August for Macmillan Cancer Support and sending to Little Princess Trust to be made into wigs for kids who have lost their hair to cancer treatment. My cousin’s fiance will be doing the honours, and to be honest, I can hardly wait to have it all taken off! For the record, I will be having my head SHAVED, not just having my hair cut short!

Incidentally, if you’d like to sponsor me in my Brave the Shave efforts, you can do so at my Brave the Shave page HERE. Every little helps! Thanks in advance. 🙂

Busy, busy, busy!

I’ve been pretty much AWOL for a little while, simply because I’ve been so busy!

06.03.16 bTadpole has been preparing for his key stage 1 SATs (he started them this week), which I hate, because he’s been stressing out and personally, I think six and seven year olds are far too young to be sitting formalised exams, but that’s beside the point – he has to do them, so doing them he is! His first two papers were yesterday, and thankfully, he seemed to find them not too taxing (in fact, he said they were “A piece of cake!”).

17.03.16I’ve also just applied for Choochie to start nursery in January. He can’t start till then, because they can only start the term after their third birthday, so he’ll have to wait till after the Xmas holidays. Still, I wanted to get the application in early to make sure he gets a place – I can’t be traipsing between two different schools! Choochie also finally weaned (31 months of breastfeeding!), and has started potty training. He likes to sit on the toilet, but so far has only managed to squeeze out a tiny tinkle each time – he’ll get there eventually though!

Last month, I worked backstage on a pantomime – I did make-up for the Dame, which was great fun, and reminded me how much I missed the theatre, so I then went and auditioned for a show for the first time in 15 years! As a result, I have a very small role in a production of Sister Act, which will be performed in October. Officially, I am “Nun #11”, so as I don’t have a given name, I’ve chosen one for myself, and I shall be known henceforth as Sister Sara of the Two Mules (simply because I love Two Mules For Sister Sara). I’ve also decided to audition for a part in Annie later this year, so watch this space!

I was also part of the centenary celebrations at Blyth Battery this past weekend! Blyth Battery Goes To War is an annual event local to me, and it’s always a fantastic weekend, but this year marked 100 years since they started building it (it took two hears to complete), so it was extra special. And we got some wonderful weather for it too – the place was absolutely heaving all weekend, and the audiences were very appreciative. I got such lovely comments from people who watched my performances, my confidence was boosted a hell of a lot (I have an ego the size of Texas now!), and I was pleased to see  from photographs that I look half the size I did last year when I performed! And the most adorable little girl (who I think may well be my number one fan!) came up and danced with me during my instrumental sections – she was a superstar!

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Finally, I’ve done a fair bit of work on my Sky Blanket since I last did an update on it. I now have eleven rows joined, and I think it’s looking pretty neat! As Tadpole has been asking for a new “lovey blanket” since Choochie got his full-sized one at Xmas, I thought I’d give this one to him for Xmas this year. He’s been admiring it as it grows, so I think he’ll be very happy with it, and as I won’t actually have a section for every single day (or I’d have the wrong number of yo-yos for my rows), I will hopefully be able to finish it just in time, although it could mean a hell of a lot of border crocheting on Xmas Eve!

13235220_10156817102490386_7625483622086569872_oOn top of all that, I’ve picked up my cross stitching in earnest again for the first time in a good few years – I stitched a little sampler for my best friend’s wedding last November, and now I find the bug has crept up and bitten me again, so I’ve taken up a few of my UFOs to see if I can finish a few of them. I’ve stitched a few bookmarks to send off to my pen pals, but I’m also working on my Rules For Life sampler, which I started before Choochie was born – hopefully it’ll be framed and up on the wall before the end of the year!

Speaking of pen pals, I’ve picked up a few new ones, and I have been involved in making pocket letters and flip books for them – I’ve been going paper-crafting crazy, and writing letters like a mad woman. Actually, I have one to write today, so I’d better get a move on!

And so, I hope normal service will now be resumed, although I seem to have even more things demanding my time and attention than ever, what with getting involved in a show again!



No Meat March – One Week In

No Meat March 2016
No Meat March 2016

So, today marks a week of eating exclusively vegetarian meals. Not one morsel of meat has passed my lips in the past seven days, and for the most part, I’m enjoying it. I’ve tried out a couple of new recipes and enjoyed them immensely.

I am, however, discovering that vegetarians can’t take things for granted. A few days into the challenge, I discovered that Mullerlight yoghurts have gelatin in them – I was totally gutted! I mean, who would have thought yoghurt wasn’t necessarily vegetarian? I had to start checking the ingredients of pretty much everything I ate, just to be sure! I even found myself being paranoid about peanut butter and jam and bread – I mean, if yoghurt isn’t automatically vegetarian, what other seemingly innocent products secretly contain animal products?

Another major challenge for me has been avoiding the unthinking moments, such as when I’m making sandwiches for the rest of the family, and would usually pop a stray bit of ham in my mouth – I almost did that the other day, and caught myself just in time! Speaking of ham, our pack went a lot further this week without me eating any of it!

This week we decided to forgo the traditional Sunday roast, and had bolognese instead (it was easy to make mine vegetarian), but I shall be looking for a low-syn alternative to a Sunday roast for future weekends – somehow the idea of eating a Quorn fillet while everyone else has roast chicken or beef doesn’t quite appeal to me, and all the nut roasts I’ve seen (which I would rather like) appear to be very high in syns – not great when I’m following the Slimming World programme and would be the only one who would eat it (I don’t fancy eating nut roast every night for a week just to use it all up!).

It’s definitely affecting my choices, and even if I don’t go vegetarian permanently, I’ll be consuming far less meat than I used to, and I will certainly take part in No Meat March again next year.

asian-420x258I may, however, just decide to go the whole hog and go vegetarian after this. I’ve already proven to myself that vegetarian choices can be just as tasty and satisfying as non-vegetarian dishes, even if it does take a lot more conscious effort to avoid things like gelatin, that lurk in the ingredients lists of the most innocuous products!

I’ll be interested to see if my weight loss efforts have been affected by the change in my diet too…

Blood and laughter

NHS-Blood-LogoEvery year, I put “Donate a pint of blood” on my list of 52 things in 52 weeks challenges, and every year, I don’t complete that challenge for one reason or another – either I’m pregnant, or breastfeeding, or I get a tattoo – but the main reason is this:

I’m terrified of needles.

It’s the truth – I’m incredibly squeamish about needles, and I can’t even watch an injection in a film, even though I know that it’s not even real on the screen – I have to turn away with my eyes screwed up tight-closed.

On Friday, I went to the library, and I saw a poster advertising a local blood drive today.

Last night, I went online and registered to donate blood, and then booked an appointment. I also told my Mam about it and begged her to come with me for moral support and hand-holding duties.

You see, both my parents got their gold awards giving blood, and my sister donates whenever she can (in between getting inked – you have to wait 4 months after getting a new tattoo), and I’ve always strongly believed it’s an important thing to do. I’ve been on the organ donor register since I was a teenager, and I’ve almost donated blood twice before, but bottled it at the last moment. That’s why I went public about my intentions this time – it makes it that much harder to back out! Plus, Mam promised to sit on me if I tried to escape.

I was more than a little nervous when I got there, but everyone was so nice to me, and they even managed to make me laugh and put me at my ease. Yes, the needle stung a little going in, but it wasn’t so bad, and just 4 minutes and 17 seconds later, I had donated my pint!

I’ll definitely do it again – in fact, I tried to book myself in for the next session right away, but I couldn’t because I wasn’t yet on the system. No bother – I’ll book online when it comes up – I already have the date in my diary!

And after all that blood, here’s a laugh for you all.

At lunchtime, we were telling jokes as we ate, and the kids had us both in fits of laughter. Bear in mind that Tadpole is seven years old, and Choochie is only 2 years old (this was his first ever attempt at joke telling!).

Tadpole: Knock, knock.
Us: Who’s there?
Tadpole: Banana.
Us: Banana who?
Tadpole: Banana.
Us: Banana who?
Tadpole: Banana.
Us: Banana who?
Tadpole: Orange you glad… Oh no! I gave away the ending!!!

Choochie: Knock, knock.
Us: Who’s there?
Choochie: Banana.
Us: Banana who?
Josh: Orange! Hahahahahaha!

If you’re in the UK and you’d like to donate blood and save a life, you can register at the website, and find out where and when your nearest donation venue is taking appointments HERE.



On aging – gracefully or disgracefully

1934703_1010314445694382_2459243646697941030_nAnd this is why Carrie Fisher is still one of my heroes!

Nobody stays the same forever – we age, the bloom of youth deserts us, and unless we’re blessed with fantastic genes, a total dislike of any food other than salad, and a bank account that stretches to rejuvenating surgeries, we spread and sag a bit in places.

Nobody has a go at Harrison Ford for getting older and a bit more portly than he was when Han Solo shot first – he’s been allowed to get old and craggy – so why can’t Carrie and every other woman?

We are not meant to look 25 forever – our lives should be written across our faces and bodies for the world to wonder and marvel at, and think “Hey, that person must have some great stories to tell!”

I applaud our Princess Leia for standing up and saying it! And if I look as good as her when I’m her age, I’ll be a happy woman!

And on a side note, I’m totally with her on the chocolate salad thing.

Pick your own fruit…

15.08.15 - Fruit Picking 2Today I went to a pick your own fruit farm with Tadpole, my big sister, and one of my nieces

Despite feeling a little under the weather, it was lovely to get out in the sunshine and pick our own fruit. We filled our baskets with the sweetest most delicious strawberries and raspberries (and more than a few were eaten while picking, as those jewel-like beauties were just too hard to resist!), and got in a little exercise at the same time – all good!

Our resultant haul was a lot cheaper and far tastier than we would have got from any shop, and we had fun doing it too.

Definitely a worthwhile endeavour.

15.08.15 - Fruit Picking 3It’s worth mentioning, when we got there, the sign said the strawberries and raspberries were “extremely limited”. I have to say their idea of limited wildly differs from mine, as there were loads to be had and we didn’t even have to look very hard – they were right there and easy to find.

If you have a pick your own fruit farm nearby, I highly recommend going along and doing a little Body Magic while you bag yourself some delicious speed food!

Hair today, gone tomorrow…

22.05.15 - World Goth Day 1 (1)
These lovely locks are coming off!

My Great Grandad died when I was six months old. He was diagnosed with cancer and told he had weeks to live, but he hung on in there to meet his first great grandchild. I never knew him, but I knew ABOUT him. A couple of years ago my Uncle Cas died of pancreatic cancer. It was sudden – very unexpected – we hadn’t even known he was ill. It was a shocking loss. He’d been there all my life and then suddenly, he wasn’t.

In recent years, my Auntie has beaten breast cancer, Grom has beaten skin cancer twice, and my Dad has beaten prostate cancer too. You could say cancer kind of runs in my family.

It’s a scary thought, but I don’t think I know ANYONE who hasn’t either had cancer or knows someone who has fought it or died of it.

So, I’m taking part in the BRAVE THE SHAVE challenge.

A year from now, I will have all my hair shaved off.

This is for all those who have fought and won, for those who are still fighting, for those who lost their battles, and for all the families who have to watch their loved ones go through it.

I’ll also be donating my hair to Little Princess Trust, a charity that makes wigs from donated hair for those who have none of their own for whatever reason, hence I’m growing it for a year beforehand (it’s currently almost a foot long, but I’d like to really give it my all and have another five or six inches extra to give!).

My target is £365 – £1 for every day I’ll be growing my hair. £1 for each day between now and the day it all comes off! Of course, I’d LOVE to smash that target, but it’s a place to start, right?!

My locks will be lopped on 2nd August 2016.

If you’d like to sponsor me,
you can do so at my

All money goes directly to
Macmillan Cancer Support.