Getting green-fingered…

22.05.15 - World Goth Day 1 (2)
My empty allotment, ready to start work!

I don’t have the best track record with plants, but I’ve long harboured the wish to grow my own organic fruit and vegetables. Till now, I haven’t had the room to fulfill that wish, but now I do – as of a couple of days ago, I have an allotment!

At the moment, it’s completely empty, but I have big plans.

Of course, there’ll be a shed – everyone needs a shed! But the rest of it, well… My plot is right at the edge, so one side doesn’t overlook any other plot, meaning I could have some fruit trees and not have them encroach on anyone’s light. So I plan to have several small fruit trees – perhaps apple, plum and cherry – along the outside edge. I might also have room for a blackcurrant and a gooseberry bush. Along the fence that abuts other plots, I plan to grow raspberry canes. And in guttering hanging from the shed, I will plant strawberries. That takes care of the fruit!

22.05.15 - World Goth Day 1 (3)
Tadpole with the allotment key!

The rest of the allotment will be divided up into various vegetable plots, where I plan to grow potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, squash, peas and beans, tomatoes, and all manner of wondrous things. Both the boys will have their own little plots for growing whatever they like too.

But that’s not all.

You see, I’ve been in touch with someone. A very special someone. Someone who keeps bees and needs a place to put a new hive. My allotment will be home to a new hive of bees! How wonderful is that?! I won’t have anything to do with the beekeeping – that will be left to the other person (and all the equipment is hers too) – but the bees will pollinate all the plants and I will get a few jars of honey out of it too.

So, it’s an empty bit of land at the moment, but it won’t be for long! It’ll take a while to get everything up and growing, but I’ll get there, and so will the lovely bees!

One thought on “Getting green-fingered…

  1. Oh my god! Fresh honey!!! You are so lucky!! You should look into getting some grafted fruit trees. They’ll take up less space (2-3 different types of fruit per tree) and you can get more variety!

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