The end of No Meat March…

No Meat March 2016Well, I did it! I completed an entire month of being vegetarian, with only a couple of minor slip-ups (who would have thought some yoghurts would have gelatin in them?) – not one morsel of meat has passed my lips for the entire month.

On the whole, I’ve enjoyed the experience – I’ve tried out new recipes and got out of the rut of eating the same things over and over again. It’s forced me to really think about the food I put into my body, and finding meat alternatives has been a little challenging in some cases.

The only time I really missed meat was on Sundays – one week I did a roast chicken and it was all I could do not to pick at a little chicken when I was carving up the bird for everyone else. I had some Quorn chicken-style fillets instead, and although they were alright, they didn’t quite hit the spot. Another week I made a beef and gravy pie for the rest of the family (Hubby’s request), and although my nut roast was perfectly lovely, my mouth watered at the thought of that deliciously rich gravy and thick chunks of beef encased in flaky golden pastry!

I don’t think I’ll be going permanently vegetarian any time soon, but I am certainly going to cut down significantly on the amount of meat I personally consume. Overall, I’ve enjoyed the experience, and I will certainly take part again next March, or perhaps I’ll do another month later on in this year too, just to see. I do like the idea of going vegetarian, but I shall have to wean myself off the meat and find some delicious substitutes that don’t make me feel like I’m missing out while the rest of the family are still tucking in!


One thought on “The end of No Meat March…

  1. Nice – I think this is a good thing to try, but I don’t think I could be as successful as you were. I don’t know how you did it at all if you didn’t have your whole household on board either. The scents…can’t blame you for cheating a little.

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