Growing things…

So, we now have our allotment plot, but not much has happened to it yet! I have the plot, and I have a shed on it (as of Thursday!) with a nice, big padlock on the door, and some tools. I’m next on the list to get the rotavator, which will break up the earth nicely.

According to one of Hubby’s customers (who has an allotment that produces bumper crops), chicken manure is the way to go, so I’m looking into a supplier for that, so I can enrich the soil ready for planting. I know it’s a bit late in the season to plant much there just now, but I’m plan to get some winter vegetables planted, before getting down to a major, full-on planting schedule next spring.

In the meantime, however, I am not idle! My kitchen windowsill is beginning to look a bit like a mini allotment all its own!

At present, we have some cress (Tadpole loves to plant that stuff as he loves it in his sandwiches!), a tomato plant, two little pepper plants, and some garlic sprouting nicely. And as of about half an hour ago, we have planted pumpkin seeds, peas and golden courgette seeds (which were neon pink – I was so surprised when we opened the packet to see such a flash of colour!).

I’m hoping my allotment will be entirely organic, as I like the idea of not having any nasty chemicals on our food. Of course, this means planting everything from seed to be 100% sure, so it’s going to take a lot of work and a steep learning curve – I’ve never been particularly green-fingered!

I have such wonderful plans in my head. I have to get them onto paper and then into practice, along with a timetable of when to plant and harvest the crops I want to grow.

I am so excited to get started!

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