Are the Addams family the PERFECT family?

I thought I’d post about why I think The Addams family are actually the perfect example of a family. Yes, they may be creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky and all together ooky, but when it comes to family ties, these folks have it right!

Let’s start with Gomez and Morticia Addams – the pater and mater. Here are two people who, despite being married for some considerable amount of time, are still desperately in love with each other. Even though they have kids, they’ve never lost the passion in their relationship – they still drive each other wild! They are completely on the same page over all matters too, making their marriage a harmonious one

They also adore their children and actively encourage them to pursue their interests, but also make sure they’re academically grounded. For example,  in the first film, Wednesday’s teacher expresses concern over the choice Wednesday made for her project – ancestress, Calpurnia Addams, who was burned at the stake for witchcraft – but Morticia tells the teacher not to worry as they’ve told Wednesday college must come first!

Let’s move onto the children – Wednesday and Pugsley. Although Pugsley isn’t the sharpest knife in the kitchen, Wednesday is obviously very bright and some of this may occasionally rub off on her brother. How many pre-teens can you think of who would choose to re-enact a scene from Hamlet for their school pageant. And how many of those would have a good understanding of the language of that play? I can’t think of any others! Although they have the usual sibling rivalry (in this case, rather homicidal), they still pull together when needed – blood really is thicker than water!

The children are also very down-to-earth and honest. Take into account the story they hear from another child at camp in Addams Family Values,  “And then Mommy kissed Daddy, and the angel told the stork, and the stork flew down from heaven, and left a diamond under a leaf, in the cabbage patch, and the diamond turned into a baby!”, to which Wednesday replies, “Our parents had sex.”

Uncle Fester – devoted brother to Gomez and adoring uncle to the children. He engages with the kids on their own level and encourages them to explore different avenues (who can forget the wonderful scene In The Addams Family, where he excitedly reads a book with Wednesday and Pugsley – “Look children, a new chapter. Scabs!”).

Grandmamma is Morticia’s mother, but is so accepted by Gomez (whose own mother died an “accidental” death) calls her Mama. She lives with them in the family home, along with Fester.

I’ve not yet mentioned the family “pet”, the independently mobile severed hand, Thing. Thing is treated as a member of the family too. They love him dearly and he plays a major part in helping the family under any circumstances, whether it be taking a job when they were destitute, relaying a message to Gomez that Morticia is in danger, or pulling up in Fester’s driveway and rescuing him from the clutches of his homicidal wife, Debbie – he is utterly devoted! And what about Lurch, the towering Butler? He may work for the family, but he’s never demeaned – he’s always included as a member of the family.

Last, but not least, they are completely accepting of everyone and everything – there isn’t an ounce of prejudice between them. Gomez has a childlike naive belief that people are on the level – such a trusting soul! Morticia always sees something to which she can relate in another. Wednesday displays a certain healthy cynicism where others are concerned, but she and Pugsley are self-confident, accept that they are different, and do not bow to peer pressure.

What is there not to love about this wonderful family who stick together through thick and thin? A family who adore and support one another, who eat meals together while gathered round the kitchen table.

The family who plays together, stays together – and it’s perfectly demonstrated by The Addams’!

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