Have YOU joined the challenge?

52 things in 52 weeksIt seems my 52 Things in 52 Weeks challenge has been featured in a number of blogs and articles aimed at inspiring people to get off their butts and change their lives for the better in the new year. This has led to a MASSIVE amount of people visiting my blog this week, so first off, I wanted to say a big HELLO to those new people!

So far, nine people (that I know of) have taken up the challenge and left a link to their blogs with their lists, although most of them only spotted my list for last year.

The news is, I DO actually have a list for this year and it is up on this blog for all to see.

If you want to see my list for this year, please follow this link:

52 Things in 52 Weeks (2014)

The people who have so far joined the challenge (that I know of) are as follows:

If you’d like to join the challenge, it couldn’t be simpler. Just make a list of 52 things you’d like to achieve in the 52 weeks of this year. Or if you think that’s too much for you, try 12 things in 12 months. It’s never too late to start!

And check back here regularly as I’ll be updating as I go along and I know I could sure use some cheering on. So could the other participants, so check them out too!

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